Shai wrote:
On Jul 27, 5:05 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant <>
Ben Finney wrote:
The docstring for ‘FooGonk.frobnicate’ is, intentionally, perfectly
applicable to the ‘BarGonk.frobnicate’ method also. Yet in overriding
the method, the original docstring is not associated with it.
I've also tried within the python interpreter, and it can perfectly
solve docstring inheritance. So why would you explicitly assign
docstring to child methods ?

What do you mean by "can perfectly solve docstring inheritance" ?

After the following,

class Foo(object):
    def foo(self):

class Bar(Foo):
    def foo(self):

help( does not display "Frobber" on my interpreter.

You're right. I must have made some dumb mistake. So interpreters do not solve docstring inheritance, Epydoc does.


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