On Jul 28, 2009, at 6:30 AM, Michele Petrazzo wrote:

Hi list,
I'm trying to port a my library to python 3, but I have a problem with a
the stringio.seek:
the method not accept anymore a value like pos=-6 mode=1, but the "old"
(2.X) version yes...

The error:
 File "/home/devel/Py3/lib/python3.0/io.py", line 2031, in seek
   return self._seek(pos, whence)
IOError: Can't do nonzero cur-relative seeks

How solve this?

In Python 2, StringIO is a stream of bytes (non-Unicode characters). In Python 3, StringIO is a stream of text (Unicode characters). In the early development of Python 3 (and 3.1's _pyio), it was implemented as a TextIOWrapper over a BytesIO buffer. TextIOWrapper does not support relative seeks because it is difficult to map the concept of a "current position" between bytes and the text that it encodes, especially with variable-width encodings and other considerations. Furthermore, the value returned from TextIOWrapper.tell isn't just a file position but a "cookie" that contains other data necessary to restore the decoding mechanism to the same state. However, for the default encoding (utf-8), the current position is equivalent to that of the underlying bytes buffer.

In Python 3, StringIO is implemented using an internal buffer of Unicode characters. There is no technical reason why it can't support relative seeks; I assume it does not for compatibility with the original Python TextIOWrapper implementation (which is present in 3.1's _pyio, but not in 3.0).

Note that because of the different implementations, StringIO.tell() (and seek) behaves differently for the C and Python implementations:

$ python3.1
>>> import io, _pyio
>>> s = io.StringIO('\u263A'); s.read(1), s.tell()
('☺', 1)
>>> s = _pyio.StringIO('\u263A'); s.read(1), s.tell()
('☺', 3)

The end result seems to be that, for text streams (including StreamIO), you *should* treat the value returned by tell() as an opaque magic cookie, and *only* pass values to seek() that you have obtained from a previous tell() call. However, in practice, it appears that you *may* seek StringIO objects relatively by characters using s.seek(s.tell() + n), so long as you do not use the _pyio.StringIO implementation.

If what you actually want is a stream of bytes, use BytesIO, which may be seeked (sought?) however you please.

I'm basing this all on my reading of the Python source (and svn history), since it doesn't seem to be documented, so take it with a grain of salt.



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