On 2009-07-29, Diez B. Roggisch <de...@nospam.web.de> wrote:
> Gilles Ganault wrote:
>> Hello
>> I just got a small appliance based on a Blackfin CPU with 64MB RAM and
>> 258MB NAND flash. Using the stock software, there's about 30MB of RAM
>> left.
>> Besides C/C++ and shel scripts, I was wondering if it were realistic
>> to upload a few Python scripts in such a small appliance?

The standard uclinux-dist comes with python, so it's pretty
much just a question of memory.  Asking on the uclinux mailing
list will probably be more useful, but I would guess that 64MB
would be plenty -- especially if use JFFS to put your root
filesystem in flash instead of in RAM.  Of course it depends
entirely on what else you want to do with that RAM at the same

> Try & check out the gumstix software repo. It comes with
> python, and thus some crosscompiling/build-instructions should
> be in there.

IIRC, all you have to do is "make menuconfig", go to the user
apps page and check the "Python" box, and then "make".  It
should "just work".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I haven't been married
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                               visi.com            had sexual counseling every
                                                   day from Oral Roberts!!

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