On Jul 29, 3:55 pm, "Russ Davis" <russ.da...@njpines.state.nj.us>
> I am just getting started with Python and have installed v. 2.5.4  Idle 
> version 1.2.4  I can't seem to get the idle to display text.  It seems as if 
> the install went fine.  I start up the idle and the screen is blank.  No 
> text.  It seems as if I can type on the screen but I just can't see the 
> characters.   I go to the config menu and it bombs and brings up the Visual 
> Studio debugger.  The computer that I am trying to install it on is a windows 
> xp laptop serv pack 2.   I have a workstation here that I am using also with 
> the same os and the idle works fine.  Any hints as to what might be 
> interfering with the idle config.

just spit balling here, but have you tried a un-install, re-install

""" Bad things can happen to good installers """

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