On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:04 PM, alex23<wuwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 30, 1:06 pm, r <rt8...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1.) No need to use "()" to call a function with no arguments.
>> Python --> "obj.m2().m3()" --ugly
>>   Ruby --> "obj.m1.m2.m3"  -- sweeet!
>> Man, i must admit i really like this, and your code will look so much
>> cleaner.
> How do you distinguish between calling a method with no arguments, and
> getting access to the method object itself (because it _is_ an object,
> y'know, it's OO all the way down...)?

IIRC from the Pickaxe, to get at a method object, you call a method on
the object whose specific job it is to return method objects.
Unsurprisingly, this method is itself named "method". So:

foo.bar #calls the "bar" method on foo
foo.method(:bar) #returns the method "bar" of foo, as an object


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