31-07-2009 o 01:29:50 Rhodri James <rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 23:40:37 +0100, Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

Anyone know of a way to print text in Python 3.1 with colors in a
portable way? In other words, I should be able to do something like

print_color( "This is my text", COLOR_BLUE )

And this should be portable (i.e. it should work on Linux, Mac,

...in an xterm, over a telnet connection, via VNC...

There's no portable way of doing this in any language, since it's
up to the terminal emulator exactly what it does with what incoming
bytes.  Some respect the ANSI colour codes, some don't; that's about
all that you can say.

Yeah. Although you could try to provide "term-sensitive" mapping
of colour names -> codes, e.g.:

# color_codes.py

class NoColors:
    blue = ''
    red = ''

class XtermColors:
    blue = '<a code here>'
    red = '<a code here>'

class FooBarColors:
    blue = '<a code here>'
    red = '<a code here>'

    'nocolors': NoColors,
    'xterm': XtermColors,
    'another term': FooBarColors,

# a_program.py

import color_codes

# e.g. with used_term == 'xterm'...
colors = color_codes.COLORS[used_term]

print('Some text, {colors.blue}Something in blue, '
      '{colors.red}And now in red.').format(colors=colors)


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <z...@chopin.edu.pl>

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