Ville Vainio wrote:

>>>>>> "John" == John Bokma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     John> Who told you Perl can't do exceptions?
> Back when I learned (heh, I never 'really' learned, but knew enough to
> write programs in it) perl, almost every function call was followed by
> or die("blah");

Yup, which throws an exception.

> i.e. the user had to check the error code.
> If the function would have
> raised an exception instead, such check would be redundant because it
> would never be executed.

true, Perl doesn't throw exceptions for you when an "or die" is required.

> In Python, all error conditions raise exceptions. If python
> 'supported' exceptions but standard library functions didn't raise
> them, the feature would not be worth much.

Agreed, one common error that beginners make a lot is not throwing 

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