Michael M Mason wrote:
I'm running Python 3.1 on Vista and I can't figure out how to add my own directory to sys.path.

The docs suggest that I can either add it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable or to the PythonPath key in the registry. However, PYTHONPATH doesn't exist, and updating the registry key has no effect (and in any case the contents aren't the same as sys.path).

So where does sys.path get its value from, and how do I change it?

You can use my PEP 370 (http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/) and a .pth file to extend the search path for modules.

>>> import os
>>> import site
>>> site.USER_SITE
>>> if not os.path.isdir(site.USER_SITE):
...     os.makedirs(site.USER_SITE)
>>> pth = open(os.path.join(site.USER_SITE, "michal.pth"), "w")
>>> pth.write("C:/Users/Michael/Code/Python\n")
>>> pth.close()

Restart Python, your custom search path should be in sys.path.



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