Hi, I am trying to download from a URL, a CSV using the following:
import re import urllib, urllib2, cookielib import mechanize import csv import numpy import os def return_ranking(): cj = mechanize.MSIECookieJar(delayload=True) cj.load_from_registry() # finds cookie index file from registry # set things up for cookies opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) urllib2.install_opener(opener) reply = opener.open('http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv? s=CSCO&a=00&b=01&c=2009&d=01&e=2&f=2010&g=d&ignore=.csv').read() fout=open('csco.csv','wb') fout.write(reply) fout.close fin=open('csco.csv','rb') table = csv.reader(fin) fin.close for row in table: print row return_ranking() I need to use cookies etc (mechanize/urllib2) for a different, more complex URL but since it wasn't working, I went back to a simple Yahoo example (above) which I have working with urllib (not urllib2). The behaviour I am seeing is that the last record is being truncated: (sample output) ['2009-04-08', '17.29', '17.33', '16.94', '17.13', '45389100', '17.13'] ['2009-04-07', '17.20', '17.25', '16.58', '16.85', '59902600', '16.85'] ['200'] A friend said I should do the above writing out to a file and have csvreader read in the file, but as you can see, to no avail! Any help greatly appreciated! Note that urllib.urlretrieve works perfectly but I give up the ability to import cookies from my registry which is all important (AFAIK anyway mechanize requires urllib2). Any help greatly appreciated. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list