Jay Bird wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to figure out a simple algorithm on how to combine a
list of parts that have 1D locations that overlap into a non-
overlapping list.  For example, here would be my input:

part name   location
a                  5-9
b                  7-10
c                  3-6
d                  15-20
e                  18-23

And here is what I need for an output:
part name   location
c.a.b            3-10
d.e               15-23

I've tried various methods, which all fail.  Does anyone have an idea
how to do this?

>>> parts = [(5, 9, "a"), (7, 10, "b"), (3, 6, "c"), (15, 20, "d"), (18, 23, "e")]
>>> parts.sort()
>>> parts
[(3, 6, 'c'), (5, 9, 'a'), (7, 10, 'b'), (15, 20, 'd'), (18, 23, 'e')]
>>> # Merge overlapping intervals.
>>> pos = 1
>>> while pos < len(parts):
        # Merge the pair in parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1] if they overlap.
        p, q = parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1]
        if p[1] >= q[0]:
parts[pos - 1 : pos + 1] = [(p[0], max(p[1], q[1]), p[2] + "." + q[2])]
                # They don't overlap, so try the next pair.
                pos += 1

>>> parts
[(3, 10, 'c.a.b'), (15, 23, 'd.e')]


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