alex23 wrote:
On Aug 8, 2:19 am, wrote:
I am new in python, and I am running it on Mac with Smultron editor. I need to read a textfile that includes numbers (in a matrix form), indexes, and strings, like this:

Marsyas-kea distance matrix for MIREX 2007 Audio Similarity Exchange
Q/R     1       2       3       4       5
1       0       4.54592 4.36685 5.29463 3.85728
2       4.54592 0       3.97667 5.02151 4.64284
3       4.36685 3.97667 0       4.98743 4.83683
4       5.29463 5.02151 4.98743 0       6.04393
5       3.85728 4.64284 4.83683 6.04393 0

So I just want to keep the matrix in the "middle" for math computations.

        0       4.54592 4.36685 5.29463 3.85728
        4.54592 0       3.97667 5.02151 4.64284
        4.36685 3.97667 0       4.98743 4.83683
        5.29463 5.02151 4.98743 0       6.04393
        3.85728 4.64284 4.83683 6.04393 0

I've seen and tried a lot of ways, like split or isinstance.. but never get the wanted result.... does anyone have an idea, or hint? Thank you once more for your help!

isinstance? Are you just randomly trying functions hoping they'll
work? :)

Untested code follows:

with open(<textfile>,'r') as textfile:
    header = # skip the header
    col_0_size = 8 # cos it does
    for line in textfile:
        newline = line[col_0_size:] # strip off the index column
        columns = newline.split(' ') # will give you a tuple of
        columns = line.split(' ')[1 : ]

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