Robert Dailey wrote:

I have a class that I want to have a different base class depending on
a parameter that I pass to its __init__method. For example

class MyDerived( self.base ):
  def __init__( self, base ):
    self.base = base

Something like that... and then I would do this:

foo = MyDerived( MyBase() )

Note I'm using Python 3.1 on Windows. Thanks in advance.
Python makes it possible to change base classes, but that doesn't mean it ever a good idea.

Moreover, the assignment is at the class level, not the instance level:

   MyDerived.__bases__ = (base,) #A tuple of bases

would change the base class for the class MyDerived, and all instances past, present, or future.

Better (but still not good) might be a factory function that derives a class with the desired base class:

def Derive(base):
   class Derived(base):
   return Derived

DerivedClass = Derive(MyBase)
foo = DerivedClass(...)

I believe that will produce what you were looking for.

Gary Herron


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