andrew cooke wrote:
Is there a way to make this work (currently scope and join are
undefined at runtime when the inner class attributes are defined):

class _StreamFactory(object):

    def __call__(lines, source, join=''.join):

        class Line(object):

            __source = source
            __join = join

It would be helpful if you were to describe the type of behavior you expect.

I assume you will return the newly created Line class when you call an instance of _StreamFactory? There may be some things about the above that you might be overlooking:

1. __call__ does not supersede the __init__ constructor of _StreamFactory.
2. __source and __join are name-mangled in later versions of python. They will be attributes of the returned Line class named _Line_source and _Line_join respectively.

Rather than make _StreamFactory a class, you will probably get the behavior you desire if you simply make it a function:

def stream_factory:
  class Line(object):
    __source = source
    __join = join
  # etc.
  return Line

And then don't forget that double underscores produce name mangling and you'll be set.



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