[This is the translation of a question issued on the fr.comp.lang.python newsgroup]


I happen to use in my programs a widget based on Tkinter Canvas. It is Zinc (http://www.tkzinc.org), which allows to draw using transparency, gradients, translations, rotations, ... using OpenGL.

However, this widget depends on Tkinter, whose look I find oldy, though I would like to try PyGtk or wxPython.

I would like to know if there is a method for using a Tkinter widget inside a PyGtk or wxPython interface.

I have already seeked some information about this:

- in the same window: this seems impossible, but it might actually be possible! I have seen that with GTK and VTK (http://public.kitware.com/VTK), somebody has managed to solve such a problem (type "gtkvtkrenderwindow" in Google).

- in different windows: the (not so smart) idea would be to have a main PyGtk window, and, in the foreground, a Tkinter window without decorations, only containing the Tkinter-dependant widget. The events (resize, close...) should, of course, be synchronized.

If you have any hint, I would be happy to know more.


Sébastien Aubry -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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