
Pygresql, DB-API.

I search for a solution to get meta information about last query,
because I must export these infos to Delphi.

Delphi have TDataSet, and it have meta structure that must be defined
before I create it.
For char/varchar fields I must define their sizes!

Pygresql is not retreive the field sizes.

Ok, it have solution that CHAR fields values have full size; but
varchars are not.
Ok, secondary I can calc all field lengths before I export, and I can
set THIS CALCULATED size to the field, but this is data dependent.

If I have NULL only, the field size = 0. Next query get 71 to the
field len. Next query is 234...

So I wanna ask that
a.) have I some special way in Pygresql to retreive the char/varchar
field's length?
b.) if not, how to I realize this (other ways)?

Thanks for your help:


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