Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't do this?

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'FR')
date_str = '05 Mai 2009 - 18h25'
fmt = '%d %B %Y - %Hh%M'
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, fmt)
  datetime.datetime(2009, 5, 5, 18, 25)
date_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
  '2009-05-05 18:25'

If you're using a recent enough version of Python (2.5 and up) I'd imagine that's the best way to do it?

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:58:28 -0700, Che M <> wrote:

On Aug 17, 6:26 pm, Gilles Ganault <> wrote:

        I need to convert DD MM YYYY dates into the MySQL-friendly
YYYY-MM-DD, and translate the month name from literal French to its
numeric equivalent (eg. "Janvier" into "01").

Here's an example:

SELECT dateinscription, dateconnexion FROM membres LIMIT 1;
26 Mai 2007|17 Août 2009 - 09h20

I'd like to update the row into "2007-05-26" and "2009-08-17 09:20",

What is the best way to do this in Python?

Thank you.

Likely this is not the best way, but I would do, for
the first one (and the same idea for the second):

def convert(date):
    frenchdict = {'Mai':'May'} #etc...
    day = mystring[:2]
    month = frenchdict[ mystring[3:6] ]
    year = mystring[7:11]
    newdate = year+'-'+month+'-'+day
    print 'newdate is ', newdate

Rami Chowdhury
"Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity" -- Hanlon's Razor
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