On 19 Ago, 11:00, Horst Jäger <h.jae...@medienkonzepte.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to create my own lib "hotte.py" which I can import like
>         import string,hotte
> . How do I do that?
> I'm working on MacOS 10.5.6 .
> Thanks in advance

Just create the file 'hotte.py' and place it somewhere python can find
it, that is:
- in the same directory of the code using it (which is most probablyt
what you want to do )
- in a directory listed in  sys.path variable (which you can extend
using sys.path.append("full_path_of_my_library_directory") before
doing import hotte

There are other options, but these should cover your needs.



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