James Harris a écrit :
On 18 Aug, 21:50, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
class node_type_1:
    def walk_tree(self):

class node_type_2:
    def walk_tree(self):


Interesting idea.

Basic OO stuff, really. I'd say it's even the whole point of OO.


The tree is for a compiler. Initially the tree is for parsing of
source code. Then it will need to be processed and changed as further
compiler phases are written. I don't know yet whether it will be
easier to modify the tree or to create a new one for each phase.

So I guess whether I use the idea depends on the commonality of

You may want to have a look at the "composite" and "visitor" design patterns. AST are canonical use case for these patterns.



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