Diez wrote:
No. I love them. But not if they are so large that they stretch over several
lines (or to many columns).

 foo = bar if cond else baz

is more than fine for me. But

 foo = I_need_to_do_something_really_complicated_here() if cond else baz

isn't, because one doesn't grasp as easily in one look that we're talking a
ternary operator here.

But the right side of my brain (see Peter Keller's discussion in the recent "importance of syntax" thread) finds it quite easy to recognize this as a ternary op:

 foo = (I_need_to_do_something_really_complicated_here()
       if cond else

The whitespace below "foo" provides a visual hint, which is confirmed by the nearby appearance of "if" on the second line. De gustibus non est disputandum! (or not)

Many thanks to all responders!



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