22-08-2009 o 19:46:51 Kee Nethery <k...@kagi.com> wrote:

I'm not sure I know the difference between a string variable and a literal string. Is the difference as simple as:

somestring = u'<stuff>hello world</stuff>'
fromstring(somestring)  <-- string variable
XML(u'<stuff>hello world</stuff>')  <-- literal string

Yes, simply:

    s = 'hello world'
    #    ^
    #    it is a *string literal*

    s  # <- it is a *string object*
       #    (or rather a name referring to it :-))

(In Python we have rather 'names' than 'variables', though -- as
a mental leap -- they are commonly referred to as 'variables',
regarding other languages' terminology).


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <z...@chopin.edu.pl>

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