On Saturday 22 August 2009 16:49:22 Aahz wrote:
> In article <mailman.227.1250951162.2854.python-l...@python.org>,
> Esmail  <ebo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >What is your favorite tool to help you debug your code? I've been
> >getting along with 'print' statements but that is getting old and
> >somewhat cumbersome.
> Despite the fact that I've been using Python for more than a decade,
> print is still my mainstay (or possibly logging to a file).

Same here, although I have not been abusing python for as long as Aahz has 
been using it.

I find that python pretty much does more or less what I expect it to, and 
where it does not, a print quickly gets me to RTFM when I have been rolling 
along under intuition.

And the final arbiter is of course the interactive prompt.

- Hendrik

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