Stefan Behnel wrote:

elsa wrote:
I know how to turn HTML into an ElementTree object

I don't. ;)

ElementTree doesn't have an HTML parser, so what do you use for parsing?

but I don't know
how to then view the structure of this object. Is there a method or
module that you can give an ElementTree object to, and it returns some
kind of graphical or printed representation of the tree? Otherwise, if
you can't see you're tree's structure, how do you know what is a
sensible way of iterating over the tree to access the info you need?

ElementTree has a tostring() method that returns a string. To get a pretty
printed representation, you can use the indent() function from this recipe:


Perhaps the OP was referring to XHTML, which should be eligible for ElementTree. But could you tell me whether ElementTree is at all tolerant of malformed XML? Most HTML and XHTML I encounter in the wild is so buggy it's amazing it all works at all.


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