Hey all,

I've been playing around with the parser module, and based on the documentation I would expect all symbols in a parse tree to be part of the grammar.[1] For example, I find this line in the symbol module docs:

  Refer to the file Grammar/Grammar in the Python distribution for the
  definitions of the names in the context of the language grammar.[2]

However, the program below gives me a human-readable parse tree (also below) that contains symbols that don't seem to be in the grammar, e.g., small_stmt, expr_stmt, factor. Is my expectation wrong?




[1] http://python.org/doc/ref/grammar.txt
[2] http://python.org/doc/lib/module-symbol.html

#   A PROGRAM              #

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""print out a human-readable parse tree for a simple code block

import parser, symbol, token
from pprint import pprint

def experiment(block):
    """experimenting, like the man said

    ast = parser.suite(block)
    raw = ast.tolist()

def interp(x):
"""given an int or a string, return a symbol, token, or other string
if type(x) is type(0):
if x < 256:
return token.tok_name[x]
return symbol.sym_name[x]
return x

    def process(raw):
        """recursively convert a raw parse tree into something readable
        for node in raw:
            if type(node) is type([]):
                raw[raw.index(node)] = interp(node)



x = 3
for y in range(10):
    y == x


#   ITS OUTPUT             #

                ['factor', ['power', ['atom', ['NAME', 'x']]]]]]]]]]]]]]],
     ['EQUAL', '='],
                 ['power', ['atom', ['NUMBER', '3']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]],
   ['NEWLINE', '']]],
    ['NAME', 'for'],
          ['term', ['factor', ['power', ['atom', ['NAME', 'y']]]]]]]]]]],
    ['NAME', 'in'],
                 ['atom', ['NAME', 'range']],
                  ['LPAR', '('],
                  ['RPAR', ')']]]]]]]]]]]]]]],
    ['COLON', ':'],
     ['NEWLINE', ''],
     ['INDENT', ''],
                     ['power', ['atom', ['NAME', 'y']]]]]]]]]],
              ['comp_op', ['EQEQUAL', '==']],
                     ['power', ['atom', ['NAME', 'x']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]],
       ['NEWLINE', '']]],
     ['DEDENT', '']]]]],
 ['NEWLINE', ''],
 ['ENDMARKER', '']]


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