You shouldn't want either a colon or a pipe symbol in the filename string (not counting the drive letter prefix). A single colon gives you surprising behavior, and two will give you Invalid Argument. See inline responses.

ryniek wrote:
On 24 Sie, 22:34, ryniek <> wrote:
Ok, but how to get rid of those colons?
Is it necessary?

I dealt with it. Had to change 'w:bz2' into 'w|bz2'.

Looks to me like you're putting a pipe in again (unless that's just an artifact of the mail system)
But now have another problem:
C:\Users\Ryniek's WinSe7en\Documents\My Dropbox\Aplikacje
\Moje_aplikacje\Pythonowe_aplikacje\Skrypty>python ba -f E:\APLIKACJE\nowegg.exe E:\ MyGG
Checking permissions for reading and writing...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 194, in <module>
  File "", line 186, in main_meth
    paq.backup_file(pars.options.filename[0], pars.options.filename
[1], pars.options.filename[2])
  File "", line 114, in backup_file
    backup_obj, 'w|bz2')
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 1675, in open
    _Stream(name, filemode, comptype, fileobj, bufsize),
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 400, in __init__
    fileobj =LowLevelFile(name, mode)
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 373, in __init__
    self.fd, mode)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'E:\\MyGG(2009-08-24

Still have two erroneous colons in that string. The one after the E is okay.
When i type path with foreward slashes, Python converts them to double
backslashes  :P
C:\Users\Ryniek's WinSe7en\Documents\My Dropbox\Aplikacje
\Moje_aplikacje\Pythonowe_aplikacje\Skrypty>python -f E:/
APLIKACJE/nowegg.exe E:/ MyGG
Checking permissions for reading and writing...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 194, in <module>
  File "", line 186, in main_meth
    paq.backup_file(pars.options.filename[0], pars.options.filename
[1], pars.options.filename[2])
  File "", line 114, in backup_file
    backup_obj, 'w|bz2')
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 1675, in open
    _Stream(name, filemode, comptype, fileobj, bufsize),
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 400, in __init__
    fileobj =LowLevelFile(name, mode)
  File "E:\WinSe7en Apps\APLIKACJE\ActiveState Python 2.6\lib
\", line 373, in __init__
    self.fd, mode)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'E:\\MyGG(2009-08-24

I tried raw string also, but nothing helps.   :-/

If a string has a backslash in it, and it is printed, you see a single backslash. But if it is output with repr(), then you see it doubled, just as you would do if you were typing it in as a literal. That does NOT mean that it has a double backslash, it just means that particular display formatting shows you that. Try the following to see what I mean:

>>> st = r"e:\testing\again.txt"
>>> st
>>> print st
>>> print [st, st]
['e:\\testing\\again.txt', 'e:\\testing\\again.txt']

Since you don't know how a particular error message was constructed, you don't know for sure which way to interpret the results. That comes with practice. In the meantime, if you print a simple string with simple print, you should be able to see it fine.

Incidentally, in nearly every case, Windows ignores extra backslashes. So that's not likely to be your problem. Get rid of those colons, without replacing them with pipes.


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