On 25 Aug, 01:26, Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl> wrote:

> That's because it doesn't use copy-on-write. Thereby losing most of its
> advantages. I don't know SUA, but I have vaguely heard about it.

SUA is a version of UNIX hidden inside Windows Vista and Windows 7
(except in Home and Home Premium), but very few seem to know of it.
SUA (Subsystem for Unix based Applications) is formerly known as
Interix, which is a certified version of UNIX based on OpenBSD. If you
go to http://www.interopsystems.com (a website run by Interop Systems
Inc., a company owned by Microsoft), you will find a lot of common
unix tools prebuilt for SUA, including Python 2.6.2.

The NT-kernel supports copy-on-write fork with a special system call
(ZwCreateProcess in ntdll.dll), which is what SUA's implementation of
fork() uses.

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