Mike Meyer wrote:

Maurice LING <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The idea of having to release the program or library as source files
does ring alarms in many executives in corporate world. Less freezing
the modules (which renders it platform dependent) or using Jython
(which is not possible when C extensions are involved), there is no
middle grounds in CPython for distribution without source codes.

You're right - and byte codes *as they exist now* aren't an acceptable
middle ground, either. The problem isn't that the interpreter might
change (that can be defeated by distributing the interpreter with the
bytecode files), but that the byte code can be decompiled to get your
Python source back. See <URL:
http://www.crazy-compilers.com/decompyle/ > for an example.

I know that bytecodes can be decompiled back to python source. Similarly Java class files can be decompiled back to Java source files quite easily. IANAL, however, I do think that reverse engineering can be seen as a purposeful act in the eyes of law. I remembered that EU Council Directive 9/250/ECC does explicits the allowable scope of decompilation (for interoperability, preserving expression of ideas, achieving performance of objectives).

For companies, I think it is touchy to ask permission to release the source codes even though they may be alright with releasing the same Java JAR file into the community.

We do know that regardless of whatever methods of compilation there may be, if some genius is willing to spend sufficient time to crack a program. Even if he has to read the binary codes, it will still break. But that is a wilfull act rather than just looking at the source codes when it is distributed with it. It's just like picking up your money from the ground if you had dropped it as compared to pickpocketing you as compared to hold you at knife point and robbing you...... Same end result but it is viewed differently in the eyes of law and morals.

Selling byte codes to someone who's worried about shipping source is selling them snake oil. I think it's unprofessional, at best.


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