devaru <> wrote:
> I am new to Python language. I want to capture(either in database or a
> file) the conversation in IRC.
> Please suggest me some simple IRC library or code snippet for this.

I recommend the circuits[1] library, which contains a sample irc bot
[2]. You'll want to override the message method to do something with
the data captured.

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from circuits import Component, Debugger
    from import TCPClient, Connect
    from import IRC, Message, User, Nick

    class Bot(Component):

        def __init__(self, host, port=6667, channel=None):
            super(Bot, self).__init__(channel=channel)
            self += TCPClient(channel=channel) + IRC(channel=channel)
            self.push(Connect(host, port), "connect")

        def connected(self, host, port):
            self.push(User("test", host, host, "Test Bot"), "USER")
            self.push(Nick("test"), "NICK")

        def numeric(self, source, target, numeric, args, message):
            if numeric == 433:
                self.push(Nick("%s_" % self("getNick")), "NICK")

        def message(self, source, target, message):
            self.push(Message(source[0], message), "PRIVMSG")

    bot = Bot("", channel="bot") + Debugger()


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