BlueFlash wrote:
Idea:  Use of a RecentFileList, update element 0 with new file opened.

Appending a menu is easy
menu.Append(-1, "Menu Name")

when I try to insert a new menu item
menu.Insert(-1, position, "Menu Name")

does not work.

The following comments are the result of a brief search of the web, so I'm not sure whether they're correct, but they might be worth a try.

full code:
    def addnew(self, position, path):
        path = path.strip()
            self.filelist.index(path)     # index() throws ValueError
if path does not exist.
            # ValueError, path is not in list, so add it:
            if position >= len(self.filelist):
                item =, path)  #this does return a
menu item
                self.window.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.event, item)
                self.filelist.insert(position, path)
                item =, position, path) # does
Not return a menu item.  throws some exception.

I think it should be:

    item =, -1, path)

                print item
                #self.window.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.event, item)

How do I remove a menu item from a menu?  The RecentUsedList is eg: 4
element long.  When opening a new file, this should be added at the
top, and the 4th element must be dropped.

I think you need the 'Remove' method.

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