Dave Angel wrote:
> Show me a sample client event handler, and maybe I can suggest how to 
> encode it.  For example in wxPython, events are encoded  with 
> an event 
> object.  You could have the event send the object's type-string as an 
> event ID.  No lookup at all.  And in fact, one event handler 
> then might 
> handle several of the events for a given widget, or even for multiple 
> ones.  I guess it's not that simple, since you frequently 
> have to pass 
> other information, such as the state of the Ctrl-key, or the mouse 
> position on the screen, which is not directly encoded in the 
> event type.

That is definitely *not* what I want to do.

I want to make the server as generic as possible, so that it can handle any
type of client, hopefully even including a browser eventually. Therefore the
server has no knowledge of wxPython event types.

I have abstracted all the event types I am interested in (the list is fairly
stable now). My protocol requires that the client maps a specific gui event
type to a message identifier, and the server maps the message identifier to
a method that handles the message.

Hope that makes sense.



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