On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 23:26:41 +1000, you wrote:


>>>Yup, pesky furriners, can't spell 'Merican prop'ly like God intended;
>>>they shouldn't be allowed on the net, sheriff should run 'em right out
>>>o' the county ...
>>Sheriff is not available, for further info pls ask for R. Marley.

>I don't understand the connection with Bob Marley; pls enlighten me.

He shot the sheriff.

>>>> and heading
>>>Would that be like heading a soccer ball?
>>Or heeding the sucker call (like I just did?)

>What makes you think you were heeding a sucker call?

Perhaps it's just bad wordplay from me.  I assumed you knew that
'heading' was a misspelt 'heeding' but you playingly used literally
"heading" in your reply.  For those who didn't get understand that,
though, I offered the correct "heeding" and then rhyming with "soccer
ball", I presented myself as the sucker who offered the correct spelling
when _it was not needed_.

So I didn't think I was heeding a sucker call at any moment, I just
wrote that as a pun.  There were no indirect accusations about your
post, if that is what you meant.

>>>>the google
>>>>suggestions that probably looked like "didn't you mean : Python License"
>>>You might find, were you to try it, that it makes no such suggestions.
>>Google isn't what it used to be when I was 6 yrs old.
>That would make you, what, say 10 years old now?

When I was 6 yrs old, Google was inexistant.  It isn't anymore, so my
assertion is correct (even though it's useless :)  I'm 33 btw.
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