Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

Hmm - now I am really starting to fly by the seat of my pants - but it looks as if your problem is that your routine is basically being called faster than what it can do the processing.

So what I would try is to define a global (you should really acquire a lock, but forget that for the moment) So lets call this thing running_calculation.

Then you set this in the routine just before the after call, and reset it just before exiting the calculation routine, and if it is set when you get into the first routine, then you just exit, without doing the after. This should have the effect of skipping some calls, to make it all manageable. Then you should (hopefully) not have the duplication that it looks to me like you are now having.

Bye the way, make the time short - like 1 - it could also be that the time is now so long before you start calculating, that you do not have a snowball's hope in hell to be finished before the next value comes in.

OK, now things starts to make sense.

You tell me to do something like this?

    def doCallback(self):
        if self.process_busy==False:
    def doneCallback(self):

And the after command will cause python to spawn a new thread, which runs self.data_callback, which measn that the doCallback will return immediately, so the next callback from accelerometer can be processed?

And when the self.data_callback() finishes, i'd make it call the doneCallback() to release my busy flag, right?

I'm gonna try this tomorrow :)

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