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On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 8:58 AM, gb345 <gb...@invalid.com> wrote:

Are there any Python-only modules or packages in the latest releases
of Python 2.x or Python 3.x that were largely written by Guido van
Rossum?  What's the best way to find this out?  I know that some
modules mention the author(s) in the source code, but this does
not seem to be true most of the time, as far as I can tell.

I'm interested in reading this code as prime examplars of "Pythonicity".
(I'm sure that many other programmers could serve as models of the
Pythonic ideal, but I doubt that there would be a *less debatable*
choice in this category than GvR.)

Many thanks in advance,


John Haggerty wrote:
> How is writing code like a language maintainer going to go towards a
> philosophic ideal? And more principally why would this be of a benefit. In
> the philosophic world dressing and acting like Socrates isn't necessarily
> the same as following his ideals and isn't necessarily being Socratic.

So the poor old BDFL has been reduced to the rank of language maintainer. Is it safe to assume that somebody is organising a whip round for him? Any and all currencies accepted?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


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