> > if you don't know the answer please don't reply
> I'm not sure you understand -- Being a Turing complete language,
> anything you can do in any other language, you can do in Python.
>   As "r" observed, it might not be a pleasant experience (though
> there are a lot of things I'd rather do in Python than in C or
> Assembly) but certainly doable.
> So clearly the issue resides in your nonsensical question.  You
> asked for things you can't do with Python so I listed some.  The
> things you can't do in Python are things you can't do in any
> other language either.  To turn your snark on end, "If you can't
> post a sensible question, please don't post in the first place".
> But this is usenet, and Python can't solve the problem of
> nonsensical questions posted on usenet. :-/
> -tkc

i am free to post , you are free to ignore


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