On Aug 24, 8:08 pm, Gilles Ganault <nos...@nospam.com> wrote:
> Hello
>         I was wondering if some people in this ng use Python and some GUI
> toolkit (PyWin32, wxWidgets, QT, etc.) to build professional
> applications, and if yes, what it's like, the pros and cons, etc.
> I'm especially concerned about the lack of controls, the lack of
> updates (lots of controls in wxWidgets are 1.0 deadware), and problems
> linked to how to update users' PC remotely when I build a new version
> using eg. Py2exe.
> I need controls for business apps like access to databases, good data
> grid, printing reports (with or without barcodes), etc.
> Thank you.

On Aug 24, 8:08 pm, Gilles Ganault <nos...@nospam.com> wrote:
> Hello
>         I was wondering if some people in this ng use Python and some

> toolkit (PyWin32, wxWidgets, QT, etc.) to build professional
> applications, and if yes, what it's like, the pros and cons, etc.
> I'm especially concerned about the lack of controls, the lack of
> updates (lots of controls in wxWidgets are 1.0 deadware), and problems
> linked to how to update users' PC remotely when I build a new version
> using eg. Py2exe.
> I need controls for business apps like access to databases, good data
> grid, printing reports (with or without barcodes), etc.
> Thank you.

You can try biform:


More demo:(Chinese version)

BiForm is a form designer,one designed form will deploy as a PFF file.
BiReader is a runtime PFF file process engine for end-users.
Setup file above include BiForm and BiReader.

Main features:
*Python as script language,base on QT GUI library
*Visible form designer
*Internal database access framework
*Auto connect database,auto create tables
*Supports SQLite/Mssql2000/Sybase ASE,not need write diffrent script
for diffrent database at most time
*Simple deploy,simple upgrade
*Different forms can share same tables, they will auto cooperation
with other forms at runtime.If you want to deploy a new function , not
need uninstall other forms,deploy the new PFF file is enough .


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