I have this statement cursor.execute("SELECT * from session_attribute WHERE
sid=%s", ( user ))
and I'm receiving this error :

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Two possibilities occur to me:

1) the 2nd parameter to execute() usually needs to be a tuple (or maybe a list), so try

  cursor.execute("select ...", (user, ))

with the extra comma after "user".

2) More likely, check your sqlite3.paramstyle to see what sqlite is expecting (it's defined at the module-level):

  import sqlite3
  print sqlite3.paramstyle

Mine here is set to "qmark" which means that sqlite is expecting

  cursor.execute("... WHERE sid=?", (user,))

instead of the "format" style you're using:

  cursor.execute("... WHERE sid=%s", (user,))

as defined in http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/

Hope this helps,



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