On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:07:17PM EDT, Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Benjamin Peterson:

> > Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?

> Sanskrit is mostly written in Devanagari these days which is also
> useful for selling things to people who speak Hindi and other Indian
> languages.

Is the implication that the principal usefulness of such languages as
Hindi and "other Indian languages" is us selling "things" to them..? I
am not from these climes but all the same, I do find you tone of voice
rather offensive, considering that you are referring to a culture that's
about 3000 years older and 3000 richer than ours and certainly deserves
our respect.

Maybe you didn't notice, but our plants shut down many years ago.. They
are selling _us_ their wares.

> Not sure if you are referring to the snowman character or Arctic
> region languages like Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing like ᐲᐦᒑᔨᕽ
> which were added to Unicode 8 years after the initial version. I'd
> guess that was added from political rather than marketing motives. ☃
> was required since it was present in Japanese character sets.

Oh.. so.. now Unicode is not only about marketing.. there is also a
political "aspect"..  polytonic Greek, Runic, Shavian, Glagolitic,
Carian, Phoenician, Lydian, Cuneiform, not to mention Mathematical
symbols, Braille, Domino Tiles, the IPA..?  What was I thinking..?

Nothing personal, I assure you.. maybe I misunderstood what you were

In any event, you shouldn't feed the troll, even if he's teething.


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