On Aug 31, 2:04 pm, David <71da...@libero.it> wrote:
> It's a question of point of view: in italy if a thief steals a car and
> causes an accident the car's owner's assurance (having a car assurance is
> mandatory) must refund the victims. That's because protections of victims is
> first priority.
> Obviously the owner can not be charged

Is the car owner not a victim too? :). i am ok with the filthy
insurance company paying as long as the owners rates don't increase.
But why can't we force the criminal into hard labor to pay back the
lost monies? Seems like that would serve justice to all parties...

> That's a problem of the computer owner. Why should the rest of the world be
> charged of *his* problem while keeping him safe from suffering any
> consequence?

No, why should spammers feel safe while doing their crimes? I say put
the pressure on criminals, and NOT the victims. I really doubt much is
being done to fight spam now that is why it is so prevalent. Two FBI
hackers can't keep up with billions of spams.

> Madness, you say? Let's examine the situation a bit moore deeply.
> First, the mail-tax would is not for rebuilding the destroyed building after
> the attack but, at the opposite, to prevent the attack. Wouldn't you pay a
> small tax to prevent terrorist's attacks?

Only if that tax was given to highly trained US Marines who where
given a green light to use any and all methods to brutally kill the
enemy and make an example of him with no worry of prosecution by their
own government.

> The mail-tax would be really small, if you send 1000 mails at month (a real
> huge traffic, for a non spammer!) the bill would be about 10 cents.
> Do you really think this is too much to get rid of most of the spam?

I don't think that will stop most spammers since they must be making
more that a 10c a month profit or they would starve to death! I say
why not put a 1000.00 fine on any idiot that responds to a spam! What
about that?

> We are paying and hidden tax in terms of HW and human resources needed by
> ISPs to manage that huge (~90%) useless/malicius traffic. (I don't mention
> const related to dalays, denial of services, theft of informations...)

The system is definitely flawed. I am no internet expert so i don't
really know what we could do to fix it. I do fear goverment or
corporations taking over of the internet and robbing use of our
freedom of speech under the pretense that they will *somehow* save us
from the spammers. Something must be done however.

I *do* know however that M$ windows ships with its back doors wide
open and you could put a lot of blame of M$ for this stupidity! And
since their product is meant for computing morons why do they still
ship it in such a vulnerable state... complete madness!

> Finally a little criticims: spam and related malware is a problem growing
> day by day. I am proposing a solution and if somebody doest't like it, well,
> he should propose a better one. Just saying "NO!" and turning head aside
> hoping that the problem will solve by itsef is no more acceptable.

I agree with you, we must do something...


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