Am 01.09.2009 13:42, schrieb Nitebirdz:
On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 11:38:30AM +0200, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
Hello everybody,

I'm looking for a pure Python solution for converting word documents
to text. App Engine doesn't allow external programs, which means that
external programs like catdoc and antiword can't be used. Anyone know
of any?

A quick search returned this:

Did you give it a try?

Thats a funny advice. Did you read that receipe? ;-)
"Requires the Python for Windows extensions, and MS Word."
how does this match with "App Engine doesn't allow external programs"? :-)

For excel this would be easy but word - Björn, did you check google api
if you would be able to access google docs for this?


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