En Wed, 02 Sep 2009 00:57:02 -0300, Shan <m.shanmugara...@gmail.com> escribió:

I have XML RPC Server listening on a port. This XML RPC Server works
fine when i run it as foreground process. All the clients are able to
connect with the XML RPC Server. But when i run it as daemon(not using
&. I am doing it in python way only), then no clients are able to
connect with the Server. I didnt got any clue where i may be  wrong.
Can any help me with this? I am using python 2.4 on Redhat 5.2 64

In what whay "no clients are able to connect with the Server"? What error(s) do the clients report? Can you see the process running (ps)? Can you see the port open (netstat)? Can you connect to the server using telnet, from the same host?

Gabriel Genellina


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