On 2009-09-03, Jochen Schulz <m...@well-adjusted.de> wrote:
> Bhanu Srinivas Mangipudi:
>> I just want to that s there a 64 bit Linux version for python
>> ?
> Yes.
>> if yes can you provide me any links for it.I could find a
>> 64bit windows version but could not find Linuux version
> I am currently too lazy to look it up for you on python.org
> (if it is there), but your AMD64 distribution has most likely
> packaged it for you already.

Actually, I find it rather surprising that it's not already
installed. All the distros I've used in the past decade or so
included Python as part of their base install set.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I'm wet!  I'm wild!

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