On Tue, 08 Sep 2009 09:21:35 +0000, §äŽmŠÛ€vªº...@€ù€Ñ wrote:

> I have the following source code
> ------------------------
> import re
> d = 'RTCB\r\nsignature:\xf1\x11
> \xde\x10\xfe\x0f\x9c\x10\xf6\xc9_\x10\xf3\xeb<\x10\xf2Zt\x10\xef\xd2\x91
> 0\xb6E\n\x10\xacM\x12\x10\xa5`\xaa\x10\xa0\xaa\x1b\x10\x9bwy\x10\x9a
> \x10\x89N\xd3\x10\x86\xda=\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\r\ncef-
> m = re.search('signature:(.*?)\r\n',d)
> ---------------------------
> as you can see, there is "signature:..." in front of d
> but re.search can not find the match object, it return None object...

That's because you're trying to match over multiple lines. You need to 
specify the DOTALL flag.

I've re-formatted the string constant to take advantage of Python string 
concatenation, so it is easier to copy and paste into the interactive 

d =('RTCB\r\nsignature:'
assert len(d) == 182

>>> re.search('signature:(.*?)\r\n', d)
>>> re.search('signature:.*?\r\n', d, re.DOTALL)
>>> m
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7e98138>


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