Maggie wrote:
On Sep 8, 3:29 pm, Maggie <> wrote:
Building on the code that I posted in one of the previous posts.. I
need to find a cumulative sum of the file of the times in the test

here is the code i have:


import os.path

#name of output file
filename = "OUTPUT.txt"

#open the file
test = open ("test.txt", "rU")

#read in all the data into a list
readData = test.readlines()

count = 0

FILE = open(filename, "w")

for item in readData:

   count = count + 1
   tmp_string = str(count) + '  ' + item
   print >> FILE, tmp_string,

   print 'The loop is finito'


my test file is this


and I need to find a CUMULATIVE sum (or the running sum)...what would
be the best way to go about that given the code i already have?

thank you all!


was trying to plug in the sum for the loop..but for some reason it
doesnt want to work --

Read the traceback.


import os.path

#name of output file
filename = "OUTPUT.txt"

#open the file
formisano = open ("test.txt", "rU")

#read in all the data into a list
readData = formisano.readlines()

sum = 0

Try to avoid using the names of builtin functions and classes, in this case 'sum'.

count = 0

FILE = open(filename, "w")

for item in readData:

   count = count + 1
   sum = sum + (int(item) * int(item))
   tmp_string = str(count) + '  ' + item + '    '+ sum

You can't add a number to a string; a number is a number and a string is
a string! :-)

    tmp_string = str(count) + ' ' + item + '    '+ str(sum)

   print >> FILE, tmp_string,

   print 'The loop is finito'


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