On Sep 9, 7:48 pm, The Music Guy <music...@alphaios.net> wrote:
> Btw, Carl, please forgive me if I frustrate you, because I'm trying my
> best not to. I'm trying to keep track of what I did and what you did
> and what Ryles and Scott did, while at the same time trying to keep a
> firm grasp of exactly what it is I'm trying to acheive. Besides that,
> I'm not a professional programmer--just a hobbyist. And of course,
> there's all the other IRL things I'm trying to deal with
> simultaneously with this...hopefully you can see how I would make
> mistakes.

Glad to see your project is afoot. Multiple inheritance is tricky
stuff. Try to keep class hierarchies simple and prefer composition
when feasible.

Have a look at the links I suggested in my previous post, particularly
the new-style classes paper. It's tough reading but if you get through
it you'll gain a lot.

And don't worry about Carl, he's a Calvin Klein model and, as you
know, sometimes they can get a bit moody ;)

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