2009/9/10 Hans Georg Schaathun <ge...@ii.uib.no>:
> I wonder if someone knows of an API with the features I need...
> random.Random and numpy.random each have only half of it...
> My application includes an object to hold a pseudo-randomly
> generated matrix too large to be kept in memory.  Hence I
> try to store only the seed, and generate the numbers on the fly.
> This can be done by giving the object an instance of random.Random.
> As far as I can see, numpy.random has a global state, and thus
> cannot be used by several concurrent random-matrix objects.
> My problem is that random.Random is much slower than numpy.random.
> (Three times slower in a small test.) I believe this is because
> numpy.random can return a row at a time, while random.Random only
> return scalars (as far as I have seen).
> Can anyone recommend a PRNG which supported multiple instances
> with independent states, and that also can return numpy.array (or
> something similar) efficiently?
> The distribution is currently Gaussian.
> Thanks in advance,
> :-- George
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I didn't tested the specifications nor the efficiency anywhere near
your requirements, but maybe some suggestions to try anyway.


and gmpy

both have the rand function,
the latter likely faster and more customizable; cf. the help text :
Help on built-in function rand in module gmpy:
    rand(opt[,arg]): expose various GMP random-number operations,
        depending on value of parameter 'opt' (a string) -- arg is
        normally an int or mpz (or else gets coerced to mpz), but
        must be a Python mutable sequence when opt is 'shuf':
    'init': initialize random-state to support arg bits of 'good
        randomness', for arg between 1 and 128 (default 32).
        May be called again to change this 'random-quality'.
    'qual': returns the number-of-bits-of-good-randomness (0 if
        the random-generator not yet initialized), arg ignored.
    'seed': set/reset random-state's seed to arg.
    'save': get random-state seed (for saving) - arg is ignored.
    'next': get random mpz, 0 (included) to arg (excluded)
        (default range is 0..2**31).
    'floa': get random mpf, range 0<=x<1, with arg meaningful bits
        (default, if arg missing or 0, is current 'random quality').
    'shuf': random shuffle of Python list (or other mutable
        sequence) 'arg'; shuffle is in-place, None returned.


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