Environment: Eclipse 3.4.2, Windows XP Pro SP2, Pydev 1.4.4, python 2.6 When I work in eclipse with java, I like to break up my client and server packages, like this:
client-project/src/org/me/client server-project/src/org/me/api server-project/src/org/me/dao server-project/src/org/me/entity server-project/src/org/me/<etc> Then, when I need to call API code from the client, I make sure the API src is on the path. I am trying setup pydev projects to do the same thing, but running into an ImportError because my client code can't see the server src, even though it is on the path. Specifically, I am trying to import an entity from the server code into the client, like this: from org.me.entity import MyEntity If I do this from any module in the server project it is fine (because the src path is in the same eclipse project). But if I do it from anywhere in the client code I get the ImportError >From what I can tell, python asks for the "closest" module path, which is the current project. It finds org.me, but there is only the client sub-package. The org.me.entity sibling is in another eclipse project, but even though that path is on the PYTHONPATH, python stopped looking after it found a similarly named parent package. Is there a trusted way to make sure python looks through all paths for sibling packages? Can I load 'org.me.client' from one path in PYTHONPATH and 'org.me.*' from another path in PYTHONPATH? I imagine if I try to force python to load the second package first that the same thing will happen in reverse. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list