Hi Joshua,

At first I was puzzled by this, because if you run something like
"open -a TextEdit", TextEdit gets the focus. But then I realized this
must be because of the "open" command. Indeed, if you try running
something like "/Applications/MacPorts/Python\ 2.6/IDLE.app/Contents/
MacOS/IDLE" focus will remain in Terminal.


On the other hand, every other GUI toolkit I've used (e.g. wxPython,
PyQt4, pyglet) does not have this problem. (If you try the basic
example from http://www.wxpython.org/tut-part1.php you'll see what I
mean.) How are these other toolkits able to steal the focus? More
important, is it *possible* to have a Tkinter app steal the focus,
even if it's not the default behavior?

I've confirmed this with wx...not sure why Tk behaves differently.

The way around this is to wrap your application up in a standard Mac app
bundle using py2app. The average Mac user isn't going to launch a
Python-based game from the command line.

True, but it'll still be a lot less painful for me to test my app if I
can get it to steal focus
when launched from the command line. If anyone knows how to do this in
Tkinter, help would be much appreciated.

I'm not sure there's a way to do this.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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