
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:22 PM, André <> wrote:
> On Sep 12, 11:48 pm, Daniel Luis dos Santos <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have an object definition :
>> class primitive:
>>         def __init__(self)
>>        = ""
>>                 self.transforms = []
>>         def copy(self, copyName)
>>                 copy = self.copyInternalState(copyName)  # method defined 
>> elsewhere
>> in derived class
>>                 if self.transforms != []
>>                         for transf in self.transforms
>>                                 copy.transforms.append(transf.copy())
>> In short, what I want to is to have the transforms list as an instance
>> attribute of the class. I will add objects to it. When I call the copy
>> method on the object the list is to be copied to the new object.
>> Problem is that the python interpreter is complaining that it doesn't
>> know any self.transforms in the if statement.
>> Help
> 1. Always post the actual code - the code you posted is not valid
> Python as many colons (:) are missing.
> 2. You appear to be attempting to use the same name (copy) both as a
> method name AND as a local variable of that method.  This definitely
> look wrong.
> Perhaps if you could post the actual offending code (the smallest
> example showing the problem you observe) others might be able to help
> you.

The full, exact error message and exception traceback would also be helpful.


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