On Sep 13, 2:17 pm, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
> daved170 wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I'm building a small python program that run a service (exe file) on
> > my servers.
> > I don't want to use remote desktop and it's siblings.
> > I would like to have some information on how to run an exe on a
> > different computer and if there a way to check if that exe is still
> > alive.
> > Thanks
> > Dave
> On a question like this, you really need to supply much more information
> on your constraints.  You could start by saying these servers are
> running Windows Server 2003.  And that they're on a domain (rather than
> a workgroup).  And that you're trying to access them from another
> machine within the same local domain, not over the internet.  And that
> your local machine is on the same domain, and has an account with admin
> privileges for all the desired servers.  And that you are allowed to do
> a one-time install (of something) on each server prior to this
> particular need.  And that each server already has Python version 2.5
> installed, and the IT department won't allow you to install any later
> version.
> Then once you have an environment, you need to specify just what kind of
> program you want to run on those servers.  Is it an EXE program?  Or is
> it Python, with a particular script?  Does it really need to be a
> *service*, which has a particular set of constraints, and should be
> installed, and started/stopped using the service manager.  Do you want
> this program to restart whenever the servers are restarted?
> One solution that should work for nearly every Windows topology might be
> to go to each server, run the scheduler task, and specify a new batch
> file to be run upon boot.  This batch file can check a specified
> (shared) directory for a python script, and if found, run it.  If not
> found, sleep for 60 seconds or so, then repeat.  Note that it's a good
> idea to put a five minute delay at the very beginning, in case the
> script needs to be deleted at the next boot.  Sometimes a bug requires
> surgery, and it's good to have enough time to do it.
> Now, to control those servers from another machine, copy an appropriate
> script into the prearranged directory.  Within a minute, it'll be
> running, and it can post whatever results it likes in another accessible
> directory.
> Whether this is a "safe" thing to do is a separate question.  Generally
> an IT department likes to have some control over just what programs run
> on their servers, and for good reason.
> DaveA

Hi DaveA
Thanks for your answer. I'll try to clearify myself.
For now I'm trying to do that on client & server that are win XP. They
both on the same domain (maybe in the future they'll be runinig on the
web). I have admin user on both my computers.
I have both an exe and a python app that I'd like to control from my
Insted of logging to my Server I would like to write a python app at
my client that allows me to control both that exe and my Server-python-
app. I don't want to use the schedualer because I would like to
control it from my client.
I can install whatever I'll like on both of the computers. they are
mine and I have full access for them.
I hope I clearify myself and if there are more solutions I'll be happy
to be noted.
DaveD :)

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