On Sep 14, 5:20 pm, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> TerryP <bigboss1...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Not to be omega-rude and disrespectful, but if you have to ask such a
> > question -- you are either to stupid a programmer to warrant any
> > intellectual response, or are just interested in wasting peoples
> > bandwidth.
> If you think this is “not to be rude and disrespectful”, you're not
> reading what you write. Please refrain from personal insults like this.

> Ben Finney

Respectfully Ben (or anyone regular for that matter), when have you
come to the aid of a noob when a "regular" on this group has shown
disrespect? I have seen lots of disrespect flung downwards and nobody
says a peep about it. Every time a small disagreement erupts the
*plonking* or trolling begins. I can't see why some get so emotional
and let disagreement turn to hate filled rage. Actually since i have
been *plonked* my experiences here have been much better. Maybe one
day the *plonkers* will return, but if not, oh well!

The OP obviously did not ponder the deeps of why Python uses indention
for blocks before posting. I will admit TerryP's language could offend
touchy people, but i have seen much worse on this list from some very
well known regulars!

This group is not the shining jewel of friendliness i wish it were. I
have been here for about 1.5 years and still feel i must watch my back
constantly. Too many people let little disagreement harbor
resentments. I have no time for hating this person or that person
because i do not agree with his or her politics or whatever. I may
exchange heated debate with them one minute and share a cold beer the
next. I think some of you need to follow this model.

A Usenet group is for learning and participating. No one should ever
feel intimidated to post comments because he or she may get bullied. I
find i learn much more about a subject when i get involved and share
my opinions. Sometimes i might be completely wrong, and get a wee bit
embarrassed, but what better way to learn than that!

I think Terrp's post is not a case of bulling, more a case of one or
two poor word choices. TerryP's post is actually completely factual,
albeit just a wee bit *too* colorful. ;-)

everybody just relax a bit!


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