En Tue, 15 Sep 2009 15:10:48 -0300, aditya shukla <adityashukla1...@gmail.com> escribió:

I have a program which i use like this scraps.py arg1 arg2 > filename. I am
using the redirection operator to direct the output to the filename .The
scenario here is that I want to print a message as long as the program is
running and as generate an error message and exit as I use a keyboard
interrupt.I am able to do this by using a try except clause but the issue is
that everything is written to the file as i am using the redirection
operator .Is there a way to write the running program message and the
terminate program mesage to the console without writing it to the file.

You're redirecting stdout, but stderr still goes to the console.

print >>sys.stderr, "This message appears on the console"

Gabriel Genellina


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